Wednesday, October 28, 2009


"Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds"-Napoleon Hill


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Three great forces

Three great forces rule the world: Stupidity, Fear and Greed. - Albert Einstein


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Macammana saya nak beli rumah lelong ?


Macammana saya nak beli rumah lelong ?
1. Menyediakan Deposit
Amaun deposit adalah bersamaan 5% ATAU 10% daripada Harga Rezab.

Anda perlu memastikan amaun ini daripada terma-terma di dalam Pengisytiharan Jualan (Proclamation of Sales) di iklan-iklan lelongan tersebut di akhbar atau pun melalui pelelong berkenaan.
Contact the auctioneer for a copy of the POS.

2. Membuat Bayaran Deposit
Kebiasaannya 2 jenis bayaran yang diterima untuk deposit adalah melalui ‘Bankers Cheque’ dan ‘Cashiers Order’.
Ada juga pelelong yang terima Kad Kredit atau Tunai.
Sekali lagi, anda perlu dapatkan maklumat ini di dalam Pengisytiharan Jualan atau menghubungi pelelong berkenaan. Adalah sebaiknya untuk mengelak daripada membayar secara Tunai.

3. Mendaftar Diri sebagai Pembida
Hadir awal 1/2 jam sebelum lelongan untuk pendaftaran.

Pastikan anda membawa bersama deposit anda untuk pendaftaran dan mendapatkan resit bayaran/borang pendaftaran pembida daripada pelelong.
Sila pastikan juga no. lelongan hartanah adalah sama dengan hartanah yang ingin dibida oleh anda. *Elakkan daripada memaklumkan kepada orang yang tidak dikenali daripada mengetahui hartanah yang ingin anda bida dan juga harga tertinggi yang sanggup anda bida. Ini adalah untuk mengelakkan daripada diketahui oleh sindiket di lelongan tersebut.
keyword “Ulat”. Ini akan saya kisahkan dalam artikel yg lain.

4. Menggunakan Ejen sebagai wakil anda
Boleh mendapatkan khidmat ejen hartanah yang boleh bertindak sebagai wakil kepada anda untuk membuat bidaan.

Pastikan ejen tersebut adalah daripada wakil syarikat ejen hartanah yang sah, seperti saya.

5. Membuat Bidaan
Anda akan diberikan pad bidaan untuk membuat bidaan apabila giliran hartanah yang ingin dibida anda tiba. Pelelong akan membaca sedikit maklumat asas mengenai hartanah sebelum bidaan dimulakan pada harga rezab. Pelelong juga biasanya akan mengumumkan amaun kenaikan setiap bidaan jika terdapat lebih dari satu pembida, contohnya kenaikan RM1,000 pada setiap bidaan. Anda hanya perlu menunjukkan no. bidaan anda apabila ingin membuat bidaan. Lelongan akan berhenti apabila tiada lagi persaingan untuk bidaan.

6. Pengumuman pembida berjaya
Setelah tiada lagi pembida yang memuat tawaran lebih tinggi, pelelong akan mengira sehingga 3 (1,2,3) dan seterusnya mengetuk tukul menandakan lelongan ditutup dan mengumumkan pembida yang berjaya. Pembida yang berjaya kemudiannya dikehendaki untuk menandatangani borang penerimaan belian dan membayar baki deposit kepada pelelong selepas lelongan berakhir pada hari yang sama.

7. Mendapatkan Pinjaman
Dalam tempoh 90 atau 120 hari (tengok balik dalam POS), pembeli dikehendaki menjelaskan baki harga jualan sama ada dengan mendapatkan pinjaman ataupun membayar tunai. Jika tidak dilaksanakan, pembeli berisiko berhadapan kehilangan wang deposit melainkan kelewatan adalah bukan disebabkan oleh pembeli. Boleh minta lanjutan tempoh drpd pihak Bank tetapi atas budi bicara bank tersebut untuk memberi lajnutan tersebut. (bahaya!)
Tidaklah begitu susah untuk membeli rumah lelong. Cuma perlu penuhkan ilmu di dada dahulu sebelum membida.

Ingat tuan tanah, ingat tuanbri.

Anybody interested in purchasing auction properties ?
Rumah Lelong 2009 Auction properties.

i can be contacted at
016 310 6500
Satu Solution Corporate Services

Rumah Lelong – Harga Beli sama dengan harga yang diiklankan ?
Harga yang diiklankan ialaha pada RP, bermaksud “Reserve Price”.
Harga Lelongan akan dibuka pada harga ini. Ini bermaksud harga tidak boleh kurang daripada RP apabila unit tersebut dibuka untuk lelongan.
Kalau cuma ada satu Penawar (bidder), iaitu ANDA, maka ANDA berjaya membeli unit tersebut pada RP.
Kalau ada lebih daripada satu Penawar (Bidders), maka proses lelongan akan dimulakan.
Setiap penawar akan memegang Kipas Bernombor (Bidding Pad) dan setiap kali ianya diangkat, harga akan dinaikkan sebanyak RM1,000 (lazimnya).
Unit tersebut akan dijual kepada orang terakhir yang mengangkat bidding pad, setelah tiada penawar lain yang sanggup menawar harga yang lebih tinggi.

Deposit kalau kalah lelongan, macam mana ?
Deposit yang diletakkan sebelum lelongan (5% atau 10%) akan dipulangkan kepada Penawar-penawar yang TIDAK berjaya dalam lelongan.
Bagi yang menang, (wow! tahniah!) deposit akan dipegang oleh Pelelong sebagai tanda Komitmen pembelian unit lelongan.
Sebarang perbezaan di antara deposit dan 10% drpd harga Kemenangan perlulah dibayar pada hari yang sama kepada Pelelong.
Contoh :
Harga buka : RM80,000
Deposit : RM8,000 - (10%)
Harga Menang : RM100,000
Bayaran yang perlu dibuat : RM2,000
Jumlah deposit : 10% drpd RM100,000 (RM8,000 + RM2,000)
Jumlah : RM10,000
Susah ke nak beli rumah lelong ?

Boleh ke saya beli rumah lelong guna loan govt ?
Saya kerap mendapat soalan ini, disebabkan ramai yang ingin menggunakan kemudahan pinjaman perumahan kerajaan.
Satu, sebab ianya Murah (4% flat rate).
Dua, ini adalah bagi mereka yang telah menggunakan sepenuhnya komitmen dengan bank-bank tempatan.
Pinjaman Kerajaan TIDAK dapat digunapakai untuk membeli rumah yang dilelong secara awam atau di mahkamah atau lelongan pejabat tanah.
Pengecualian :
Lelongan tersebut dibuat oleh Kerajaan Malaysia.
Contoh :
En. A beli rumah guna pinjaman kerajaan. Bila En. A berhenti drpd kerajaan, dia tak bayar dan seterusnya rumah tersebut akan dilelong oleh Kerajaan.
Rumah inilah yang boleh dibeli menggunakan pinjaman kerajaan.
Masih lagi mempunyai persoalan ?
Hubungi pihak yang berkenaan, yang berkaitan dengan pinjaman perumahan kerajaan untuk mendapatkan kepastian.

Fee termasuk kos lawyer dan baikpulih rumah ?
Fee yang kami charge dah terlampau rendah.
Cuba anda kira masa yang digunapakai, kos minyak dan kenderaan dan telefon dan sebagainya.
Kos Peguam akan ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh pembeli.
Kos baikpulih juga ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh pembeli.
Kami hanya membantu anda mendapatkan Hartanah yang anda impikan dengan kos yang tidak masuk akal.


Malu bertanya?

`Mereka yang bertanya merasa bodoh untuk lima minit tetapi mereka yang tidak bertanya,akan kekal bodoh buat selama-lamanya`-PEPATAH CINA


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Why Buy Silver

Silver Has Enduring Value
Mankind’s timeless fascination with silver stretches back 6,000 years. As early as 700 B.C., the Mesopotamian merchants used silver as a form of exchange. Later, many other civilizations also came to recognize the inherent value of silver as a trading metal.

The ancient Greeks minted the drachma, which contained 1/8th ounce of silver; and in Rome, the basic coin was the denarius, weighing 1/7th ounce. And let’s not forget the English shilling "sterling," originally denoting a specific weight of silver, which has come to mean excellence.

Today, millions of people throughout the world recognize silver’s intrinsic value and have made it popular as an affordable investment.

This page explains how to use silver to diversify your investments and hedge against inflation. It will also introduce you to some of the most widely accepted silver investment products.

Silver is a Precious Metal
Although silver is relatively scarce, it is the most plentiful and least expensive of the precious metals.

Precious metals are valued for their beauty and relative scarcity in the Earth’s crust, and their superior properties. They are very malleable, highly resistant to corrosion, superior reflectors of light and are unsurpassed as conductors of heat and electricity.

Besides signifying status and wealth, silver has been one of the most romantic and sought after of all the precious metals. Mystified by its beauty from the beginning of time, people have been drawn to remote areas of the world in search of this white, reflective metal.

Silver has often been surrounded by mystery. The Incas of Peru called it "the tears of the moon" because they were awed by silver’s strange gleam, and the Chinese believed that a silver locket hung around a child’s neck would ward off evil spirits.

Silver’s Role In Your Financial Planning
For the average investor, silver can be an effective means of diversifying investment assets and preserving wealth against the ravages of inflation.

Although the value of silver may vary, it has an intrinsic value that is immutable and permanent. Accordingly, many experts suggest that investors should include it among their investment assets.

Why? Because silver can be an important store of value. For example, between 1971 and 1981, the U.S. dollar lost more than half of its value, while silver prices rose nearly five times.

But what about the future? Nobody knows; but many financial planners still suggest including silver among the investments of their clients.

A Final Word To The Wise
For more information about how to invest in silver, you should consult with well known, reputable brokers, bankers, financial advisors or dealers.

Prior to making any investment, you should make sure the seller is capable of delivering exactly what it is selling, and is providing you with the conditions under which it stands ready to buy back your silver.

The Silver Institute does not provide advice as to the buying and selling of silver or the advisability of trading in commodities, nor the tax consequences of any investment or trade in silver.


Investment Potential of Gold versus Silver

Should a person wanting to preserve wealth buy gold or silver? Which one has the best investment potential or multiplier, or are other factors in the choice between the two more important? Most people I talk to want to buy silver because they say it has a greater multiplier than gold or a better investment potential. They always site the numerous big name silver advocates when they say that silver has a multiplier of 11 to l, whereas gold will only multiply at a rate of 5 to 1.

No doubt, in the natural, what they are saying has some validity, that silver will outperform gold in the long run. And when the dollar finally collapses and becomes worthless, silver and gold values will find their final resting places dictated by world-wide supply and demand. For example, using the arbitrary numbers of $10 per ounce for silver and $600 an ounce for gold, silver could easily reach $110 per ounce ($10 per ounce times 11 = $110) and gold could easily reach $3,000 ($600 per ounce times 5 = $3,000).

Besides silver having a greater multiplier or investment potential than gold, many people site the second big reason for buying silver as the much greater industrial demand for silver than for gold. No doubt that argument has some validity also, but both of these major arguments totally collapse when the dollar collapses. Why? First, when the dollar collapses and has no value, and silver reaches that hypothetical $110 per ounce, and you have a mountain of silver in your living room, who are you going to sell it to, and what kind of currency are you going to get in exchange?

Now realize, when the dollar reaches worthlessness as the German Marc did in Germany after World War II, our country will be in physical and financial chaos. People will use dollars to light fires to keep warm - - that will be about the only useful function of the dollar bill at that point. Bottom line - - there will be no currency for you to make money on your silver.

Again the second big reason for buying a ton of silver, industrial demand, with no currency, and consequently no more commerce, manufacturing will shrivel up like a grape in the scorching sun. The investment potential of silver will be useless. Long ago, with the government’s introduction of trade treaties like GATT and NAFTA, we have already sent to shipped over 90% of our manufacturing overseas or to Mexico. About the only manufacturing this country has left are the big three car manufacturers, General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler - - and all three of them are stumbling like blind men, dying of thirst in the desert, looking for a well of water.

As I have mentioned before in my paper, 90% junk silver, that is the dimes, quarters, half dollars that were minted in this country up until 1964, are essential for barter. When the dollar collapses, people are going to need small denominated silver coins to buy smaller things like a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs, or a gallon of milk, and those dimes, quarters and half dollars will be ideal for those barter situations. You can’t use your gold coins for those situations - - they are simply going to be worth too much per ounce to be practical. For example, how will people make change if you give them a half ounce gold coin worth $1,500 to buy a loaf of bread that costs $10? It just won’t work.

My basic recommendation is that people buy up to a half bag or a full bag of 90% silver coins for barter. A full bag weighs 55 lbs, and a half bag is about 28 lbs. But silver, along with its benefits, must be purchased in moderation for it has some very obvious disadvantages: weight, bulk, volume, storage, and portability. In the days that are soon to be upon us, we will be faced with financial and physical calamity that we have never experienced as a country or as a people.

First, where are you going to store or hide hundreds of pounds of silver so a robber won’t find it if he breaks into your home? And in the midst of the imminent financial chaos we will probably have to be mobile, and we need a practical plan to take our loved ones and our wealth with us if we have to leave quickly. None of the big name silver advocates address this problem. They think our country will never be in that kind of place, but they don’t look at history, and they don’t look at the reality of where our country and our dollar are headed.

That said, what are you going to do with literally hundreds of lbs of silver in your house if you have to leave in haste, and on foot at that? What about its investment potential then? I have talked with many people over the years who have bought into this silver investment potential, carrot-in-front-of-the-horse scenario, and they have 5 bags of silver (275 lbs), 20 bags of silver (1,100 lbs) 37 bags of silver (2,035 lbs). One man bought 44,000 ounces of silver (2,750 lbs) and had it stored in a depository 2,000 miles from where he lived. Do you think he will ever see an ounce of it when the government closes the bank doors?

On the other hand, if you have a good bit of wealth, you need to put the bulk of it into gold coins. Gold is a very compact store of value, and it is easy to store and very mobile if you have to leave quickly. As history teaches us, many Jews bought safe passage during the Holocaust to the United States or to Great Britain with a gold coin they had hidden in their clothes or on their person somewhere. Don’t be duped into getting rich by buying a mountain of silver -- you might have to leave that mountain and all its investment potential to someone else.


Kiyosaki: Silver is My No. 1 Investment

Kiyosaki: Silver is My No. 1 Investment
Friday, September 25, 2009 9:42 AM
By: Dan Weil Article Font Size

Robert Kiyosaki, author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” recommends investing in real estate and commodities, but he tells Dan Mangru of Newsmax TV that silver is now his top investment.

“If you’re afraid of inflation, which you should be, I would think silver is the No. 1 investment today.”

Kiyosaki also tells Mangru why he likes real estate, “I like real estate for one reason: debt.”

Investors get no leverage buying stocks, but they do when buying real estate, Kiyosaki points out.

Watch the Exclusive Interview with Newsmax TV's Dan Mangru — Click Here Now!

To be sure, “If you’re going to play the game of debt, boy you’ve got to be a lot smarter than the average bear out there,” he says.

“So real estate is a good investment if you have financial training, financial education, and you have somebody guiding you who has some experience with the whole thing.”

Kiyosaki recommends commodities to guard against inflation.

“To protect against inflation, do what the Chinese are doing,” he says. “The Chinese are buying commodities: copper, oil, gold, silver, land.”

For those who are poor, Kiyosaki has this advice: “Change what you think. . . If you’re expecting the economy to come back, I think you’re in a dream land.”

Some people believe in the following myth, he says: “This idea that the U.S. is the greatest country on earth, and Obama is here to save you, and the government is going to take care of you. That’s called socialism.”

“And I think you really better start changing your thinking, because they’re not going to save you. They’re going to save themselves.”

Investors must be self-reliant, Kiyosaki says.

“I got financially educated when I was a kid. I don’t expect anybody to take care of me. I don’t turn any money over to a 401(k). I don’t trust mutual funds. I don’t trust banks. I trust myself.”

The solution is to “get educated and get smart with my money,” he says. “We’ve been trained like Pavlovian dogs to turn our money over to Wall Street.”

Four factors keep the middle class poor, Kiyosaki says:

• Taxes

• Debt

• Inflation

• Your retirement plan

“If you’re going to be financially intelligent,” you have to know how to use all four of those factors “to make you rich,” he says

To become rich, especially in the wake of financial crisis, “you’ll have to stop thinking the way you think and start thinking differently and start doing things differently.”

He says that as long as we have a middle class, we’ll be an advanced nation.

But, “the problem with the middle class is that they’re not moving from middle class to rich. The middle class is now moving from middle class to poor.


Is Silver a Better Investment than Gold?

Is Silver a Better Investment than Gold?
Precious metals investors often ask, "Should I invest in silver or gold?" CMIGS says silver, for many reasons.

First, silver has always produced a greater percentage increase during precious metals bull markets. In some precious metals bull markets, silver has tripled in price while gold has doubled. In some moves, silver rose four times while gold doubled in price. Additionally, silver has more industrial applications than gold does, with more uses being developed.

Industrial uses provide an underpinning to the price of silver. So great is the industrial demand for silver that mine production and secondary recovery have fallen short of industrial demand since 1990. According to CPM Group, a New York metals consultancy, between 1990 and 2003 new production and secondary recovery fell 1,899.9 million ounces short of meeting industrial demand. Add in the silver used for coinage, and the 1990-2003 overall deficit swells to 2,214 million ounces.

Not only has production and secondary recovery failed to meet demand each year of the last fifteen years, but aboveground supplies are critically short. Some analysts say that supply will fall far short of meeting demand over the next decade, and that much higher silver prices will be the result. According to accepted statistics, more gold rests in the vaults of the world's central banks than there is aboveground silver.

The drop in reported silver holdings around the world shows just how much the production deficit has eaten into aboveground supplies. In 1995, Comex stocks stood at 260 million ounces; today Comex stocks are struggling to stay above 100 million ounces. In 1991, estimated silver inventories in London and Zurich were 350 million ounces; today that number is closer to 50 million ounces. In 1980, world governmental silver stockpiles totaled some 325 million ounces; today, few governments hold any silver.

Finally, many people think first of gold when the subject of "hard money" arises. Yet, more people have used silver for money than have used gold. In something like fourteen languages, the words for silver and money are the same. In the United States, gold coins ceased to circulate as money with Roosevelt's 1933 call-in. However, the U.S. Mint continued to turn out silver coins until 1965.

CMIGS recommends silver investing for those investors who can handle silver's bulk and weight. Those who cannot should invest in gold. If you would like to discuss any aspect of investing in silver, call us at 1-800-528-1380. We take calls 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., MST, Mondays through Fridays.


Macam mana nak jadi tokey rumah

Dalam pelaburan hartanah ni, macam-macam cara orang dah buat. Ada yang beli murah, jual ikut harga pasaran. Ada yang remortgage atau refinance untuk dapatkan duit extra. Ada jugak yang apply facility overdraft dan home extra. Macam-macam.

OK, mari kita borak pasal macam mana nak jadi tokey rumah. Kepada yang dah bergelar tokey tu, mungkin boleh share dengan kitorang, camne tuan/puan jadi tokey. Tokey rumah ni pada definisi aku (jangan marah orang DBP) ialah orang yang buat bisnes berkaitan rumah dan hartanah. Kalau tuan rumah pulak, dia owner kepada rumah. Tokey ni kira martabat dia tinggi sikit dari tuan rumah hehehe..

Tips nak jadi tuan rumah dah banyak diceritakan. Macam mana nak kenalpasti lokasi rumah yang best-best, macam mana nak pastikan bila kita beli tu, still untung dan boleh generate pasif income yang baik, ada juga diceritakan bagaimana kita boleh mintak agen hartanah lelong macam Satu Solution (faris & bri) yang tolong carikan dan bid rumah untuk pelanggan mereka, dan juga tidak kurang tips-tips dan kaedah macam mana kita nak uruskan hal-hal berkaitan legal, apply loan, tenancy agreement dan lain-lain lagi.

Yang kurang dibicarakan secara terbuka ialah macam mana nak jadi tokey!. Ya!, semua orang nak jadi tokey kan. Tokey ni biasa dia low profile saja, sebab kerja-kerja semua diuruskan oleh pekerja-pekerja dia. Ada jugak tokey yang high profile macam artis, tapi aku lebih suka yang jenis merendah diri macam apek jual sayur saja, tapi dalam kocek duit tebal macam batu bata..huhu..

Yang aku nak bincang kat sini ialah teknik biasa orang buat iaitu flipping. Beli dan jual semula.

So, berbalik pada soalan, macam mana agaknya kita boleh jadi tokey rumah. Maksudnya kita nak bisnes dengan jual-beli rumah. Korang tahu kan, harga hartanah kalau tempat yang hot-hot dan best takkan turun punya. Melainkan ada masalah besar yang menimpa semua orang, contoh masa perang ke, kena bencana alam besar ke dan sebagainya.

Kat bawah ni ada 10 langkah umum yang boleh kita cuba praktis kalau nak jadi tokey rumah:

1) Cari maklumat berkenaan lokasi hartanah popular di Malaysia dan juga jenisnya (rumah, tanah, apartment, kondo, rumah kedai, kilang, dll.)

2) Buat kajian dari segi market value, demand dan prasarana yang ada di lokasi berkenaan yang menyebabkan ianya diminati pembeli (dan penyewa).

3) Periksa status hartanah tersebut samada freehold atau leasehold (periksa juga jika ada sekatan lain, contoh Malay reserve dll.)

4) Kenalpasti kaedah untuk membeli hartanah tersebut, samada secara sub-sale, lelong, melalui agen dan sebagainya.

5) Rancang bagaimana kita boleh tingkatkan harga hartanah tersebut.

(Contoh lepas kita beli hartanah tersebut, kita buat proses mencantikkan bangunan tu melalui mengecat, menambahkan hiasan dalaman, buat landscaping, dan sebagainya. Harga dia akan “naik” sikit compare to basic property. Kalau kita beli tanah, mungkin kita boleh dirikan dahulu rumah/kilang/kedai mengikut bajet yang ada sebelum kita jual kembali kepada pembeli. Kita jugak boleh hold property tersebut untuk beberapa ketika sambil disewakan dahulu sebelum harganya meningkat. Lepas tu baru jual)

6) Buat perkiraan dan tetapkan berapakah keuntungan yang kita ingin capai untuk satu-satu hartanah yang kita beli (kena tahu market value dan demand untuk kita setkan profit margin yang munasabah). Anggarkan juga, berapa lama tempoh masa kita akan dapat hasil jualan tersebut (kalau pembeli guna loan, kena check bila loan disburse)

7) Kenalpasti rakan kongsi (JV partner jika ada hartanah yang memerlukan modal yang lebih besar)

8.) Kenalpasti instrumen modal lain seperti pinjaman bank, dana pelabur dan sebagainya untuk dijadikan alternatif modal pusingan.

9) Tetapkan berapa peratus dari keuntungan untuk dimasukkan dalam tabung khas (untuk kerja ubahsuai, upah, pembelian bahan-bahan dan sebagainya)

10) Kemaskini dan perbaiki kaedah yang dilakukan dari masa ke semasa sehingga mencapai sasaran yang ditetapkan.

Di samping itu kita juga harus belajar dan tahu cara-cara untuk mempromosikan hartanah yang ingin kita jual agar ianya tidak “lemau” dan merugikan kita dari segi modal pusingan untuk membeli hartanah lain.

Kalau setahun kita boleh flip satu atau dua good property, lepas ni ramai lagi yang nak berenti kerja macam pie dan jadi tokey rumah…hehehe..


How To Make Money Investing In Silver: 7 Tips To Get You Started
Published on:
Friday, April 24, 2009
Written by:
David Morgan

Recently, I met the owner of a well-known precious metals web site and I popped this question to him: "What do you think about investing in silver?"

His reply was both profound and accurate. "David," he said, "The smart money is moving into gold, but the SMARTEST money is moving into silver!"

Investing in silver is a great way to make money, especially if you are looking to secure your future or your retirement. But of course, just like any type of investing, there are no guarantees. You need to know what you are doing and what the silver market is all about before you can get too involved. This is the only way to make sure that you give yourself every possible advantage to benefit from silver investing.

7 Silver Investing Tips That Will Help You Make More Money

1. Take a close look at the market before you decide that silver investing is right for you. Investing in silver is different than investing in stocks and bonds.

2. Educate yourself. If you are not sure how investing in silver works, touch base with a professional who can help you with the buying and selling process.

3. Complete effective online research. Be careful of the information you find. There's so much information online about silver investing, but a lot of it is misinformation. You want to learn from experts who are in the trenches tracking the silver market and making investments every day. For example, the information that you will find on is based on my experiences and knowledge from following the silver market daily for more than thirty years.

4. Get familiar with the many different ways that you can invest in silver. You can invest in silver mining companies, silver ETFs, silver futures, silver bullion and silver coins. The sure-fire way to invest in silver without the worry is to invest in bullion or coins. This is the place to start — real metal for your future. You don't have to pay for a mining company's energy costs. And you don't have to buy 1000 to 5000 ounces in a futures contract that carries too much risk for a beginning silver investor.

5. If you are looking to invest in silver coins and silver bars then you need to know this trick -- Find sellers who are selling as close to the spot price of silver as possible (spot plus a reasonable fee). A general rule is that the more silver you are buying the less percentage of fees you should be expected to pay. When buying coins to invest in their silver content be certain you are not buying coins for their numismatic value (the value to a collector of rare coins).

6. Before you invest in silver, make sure you calculate how much you can invest between your IRA rollover funds, cash on hand and other assets that you wish to turn into silver. Be sure to keep your emergency fund mostly in cash for unforeseen expenses. You don't want to bite off (invest) more than you can chew (afford).

7. Stay on top of the market. There are times to buy. And, there are times to sell. Yes, at some point, it may be better to sell some or perhaps even all of your silver holdings for currency, depending on the bull market and your personal investment goals. But the only way you know when to buy or sell is if you have current silver market investing information at your fingertips.

Here's a Bonus Silver Investing Tip For You…

Get started now. The time to invest in silver is today!

What are you waiting for?

Put my tips into action and start investing in silver right away.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Silver VS Gold,Dirham VS Dinar

Semua orang sedang sibuk membeli emas.
Bagaimana dengan perak.Apa kelebihan perak?
Di antara perak dengan emas,mana lebih untung dan selamat untuk jangka masa panjang dan pendek.
Jangan lupa,setiap benda ada kelebihan dan kekurangan (Pro dan Con)
Apa kekurangan perak vs emas.
Jom kita baca dan kaji.
Jom kita share info.

-Hafizi Abdullah


Sunday, October 11, 2009

12 Prinsip Jutawan‏
Salam, Ramai orang yang tidak perasan bahawa orang kaya tidak seperti orang biasa. Mereka mempunyai prinsip hidup yang mudah tetapi sukar dicapai oleh orangbiasa. Mereka sanggup bersusah susah dahulu sebelum mencapai kesenangan padamasa akan datang.
Mereka merupakan seorang yang penjimat dan suka menyimpan. Kebanyakkan daripadamereka mempunyai matlamat yang jelas; mereka tahu dengan tepat berapa banyakyang mereka mahukan dan berapa lama ianya boleh dicapai. Orang kaya tahu RM1000yang disimpan pada hari ini boleh membesar sepanjang hidup mereka. Di sini kami membongkar 12 prinsip jutawan yang boleh anda ikut:

1. Mereka rancangkan kejayaan mereka. Mereka menyematkan matlamat berapakahpendapatan yang diperlukan, mereka tahu berapa banyak yang perlu disimpandibank setiap tahun, dan mereka tahu berapa banyak modal yang diperlukanuntuk persaraan. Adalah satu kemestian bahawa jumlah tersebut ditulis denganjelas, kerana ia menjadi asas untuk tindakan. Dengan memberi tumpuan kepadamatlamat sekarang tidak akan menjejaskan jika terdapat sebarang halangan.

2. Mereka merancang dan bertindak. Mereka membuat satu simpanan tetap danterus menyimpan setiap bulan tanpa henti.

3. Orang kaya mempunyai disiplin. Mereka bertindak mengikut rancangan matlamatdan mengelakkan mengambil wang dari simpanan persaraan. Mereka tahu mengambilwang dari simpanan persaraan seperti “mencuri” daripada masa depan mereka.

4. Mereka membuat perlindungan daripada bencana. Ini bermakna mereka mengambilinsuran untuk melindungi diri daripada kehilangan aset penting seperti rumahatau kereta. Mereka juga mengambil insuran perlindungan diri sebagai persediaanjika terjadi sebarang bencana keatas diri sendiri.

5. Mereka cuba mengelakkan hutang. Seorang pengurus kewangan yang bijak cubauntuk mengelakkan hutang dan membayar dengan lebih awal jika boleh.

6. Mereka menjadikan pendapatan sementara kepada tetap dengan menyimpan denganbijak.

7. Mereka berjimat keatas setiap ringgit yang dibelanjakan.

8. Mereka benci berbelanja.

9. Mereka sukakan menyimpan. Mereka tahu setiap wang yang disimpan akanmemberikan hasil yang lumayan pada masa depan.

10. Mereka terus belajar daripada guru-guru yang sudah berjaya, oleh itu merekaakan lebih berjaya.

11. Mereka mempunyai sikap positif tentang wang. Mereka bukan seorang yang tamakatau menjadi hamba kepada duit sehingga melupakan tanggungjawab kepada Tuhan.

12. Mereka selalu mencari peluang untuk membuat wang dan menyimpan sebanyakyang boleh. Jumpa lagi dengan rahsia kekayaan yang lain!
Demi Kejayaan Anda, Razif Yusof


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Was established since 20th Rejab 1430.
Just to educate myself.
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`Berhati-hatilah kamu dalam berhutang, sesungguhnya hutang itu mendatangkan kerisauan di malam hari dan menyebabkan kehinaan di siang hari.`-Riwayat al-Baihaqi

`We are often afraid to do things until we are sure we will do them well.Therefore we don`t do anything...`




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