Sunday, November 29, 2009

Assertiveness Skills


* What is the Art of Saying No
* It's not Assertiveness
* Not Nice - Not Nasty
* Managing Feelings
* Saying No
* The Nice Factor Book
* Change Yourself to Change Others

What exactly is The Art of Saying No?

A lot of people just don't like the idea of having to tell people they can't do something. Or they feel obligated when a colleague asks a favour; or feel pressurised when someone senior to them needs something done.

There are even some work places where saying no is definitely frowned upon; and in, say, the police force, could be a sackable or disciplinary offence.

After having worked for some time with people where saying no either feels impossible or just isn't allowed, we created a body of work to address it. In some cases it is indeed, how to say no without ever saying the word.

Of course, there are times when saying the 'n' word is a necessity. But in our experience, there is so much anxiety around the possible consequences of using it, that people don't say anything at all, or agree to things they'd rather not, or get landed with work that isn't theirs and so on.

That can't be good for anyone, but especially the person who finds themselves staying late at the end of the day to get their own work done after they've finished everyone else's; or who swallows their resentment when they are 'volunteered' for something they don't want to do; or who quakes at the idea of having to be a bit tougher with a supplier or even someone they manage.

This is one issue we have felt so passionately about that we even wrote a book that deals with it:
The Nice Factor Book (Are you too Nice for your own good?)

This document is going to focus on one aspect of that book, which is about how to say no in a way that's manageable, deals with the difficult feelings and actually might be some fun. For a more in-depth look, do have a peek at the book.
It's Not Assertiveness

Impact Factory has been running programmes on The Art of Saying No for nearly seven years and we are often asked what the difference is between our work and assertiveness training. The reason we've been asked this is that assertiveness training has been around for some time, and people wonder if this art of saying no business isn't just more of the same.

Well, no it isn't, and here's why.

We believe the very term 'assertiveness' is limiting. For instance, people say you should be assertive rather than aggressive, as if assertiveness is the only way to deal with a difficult situation. It isn't. If you are being attacked or abused, then aggressively fighting back may well be an appropriate thing to do. The key word here is appropriate.

So yes, aggressiveness may be appropriate, assertiveness may be appropriate, but there's a greater range of choice of behaviour than those two types that could be equally appropriate.

Before we discuss them, though, we want to talk about some of the things that happen to people when what they think and feel is different from what they do.

Many 'unassertive' people recognise that their pattern of behaviour is to be nice or compliant for far longer than they really want to until they reach the point of no longer being able to hold it in; then they explode nastily and inappropriately all over whoever happens to be around.

There are three ways this 'explosion' can happen. The first is that the rage happens inside the head and remains unexpressed. The second is that it is inappropriately expressed, and someone not involved, like a work colleague or secretary or even a bus conductor, becomes the recipient. The third is properly directed at the 'offending party' but is out of all proportion to the probably small, but nonetheless final-straw-event that unleashes it.
Not Nice Not Nasty

This leaves people with the impression that there are only two states or behaviours they can do: Nice or Nasty. When, in fact, they have forgotten a whole range of behaviour that lies between Nice and Nasty that can be termed Not-Nice (or even Not-Nasty).

What we've seen with assertiveness, is that it is often seen as a single form of behaviour: just say no, stand your ground, be a broken record - all quite difficult if you are truly unassertive, or in our jargon - simply too nice for your own good. The concept of asserting yourself, (getting your voice heard, being understood, being taken into account, getting your own way) needs to be broadened to include all forms of behaviour. It can include humour, submission, irresponsibility, manipulation, playfulness, aggressiveness, etc.

The key point here is that the behaviour - nice, not-nice, nasty - is chosen. We emphasise the word key, because until people are able to choose behaviour that's free from the limiting effects of their fear of possible consequences, they will not be able to act no matter how well they are taught to be assertive. They will still feel overwhelmed in difficult situations.

Managing Feelings

It needs to be acknowledged that the strong feelings associated with changing behaviour are real and valid. Once people do that, then these (usually difficult) feelings can be looked upon as a good thing, a sign that something new is happening. At this point people can start to 'choose' to have these feelings rather than having to endure them or trying to pretend they are not happening.

The idea of choice is very important. If people feel they have real choice about how they behave, they start to realise that it can be OK to put up with something they don't like. They can choose it because they want to; it is to their advantage. They then avoid the disempowering tyranny of always having to assert themselves. (Which is almost as bad as feeling you always have to be compliant or nice.)

Many people think that in order to be assertive, you need to ignore what you are feeling and just 'stand your ground'. In fact, you ignore those feelings at your peril.

Often the magnitude of peoples' feelings is way out of proportion to what the situation warrants. They may well reflect a previous difficult event more accurately. But because that previous difficulty was so difficult, it feels as though every similar situation will be the same.

It is only by beginning to experience and understand how crippling these feelings can be that people can start to do anything about changing their behaviour. Many people know what they could say; they know what they could do. Most 'unassertive' people have conversations in their heads about how to resolve a conflict they're in; but still, their mouths say 'yes', while their heads say 'no'. Knowing what to do or say is not the issue here.

Therefore, in looking at practising 'the art of saying no', it is wise to broaden the brief to so that it isn't about becoming more assertive; rather it's about changing your behaviour to fit the circumstances.

While in many circumstances assertiveness can be a straight jacket of it's own (often creating resistance and resentment), the full lexicon of behaviour can be freeing, because there is choice in the matter. Using charm, humour, telling the truth or even deliberate manipulation, may well get you what you want without having to attempt behaviour that may go against your personality.

If you add a dash of fun or mischief, The Art of Saying No becomes a doable prospect, rather than another difficult mountain to climb.
Saying No

Here are some pointers of what could make it easier to say 'no'.

If you're saying something serious, notice whether you smile or not. Smiling gives a mixed message and weakens the impact of what you're saying.

If someone comes over to your desk and you want to appear more in charge, stand up. This also works when you're on the phone. Standing puts you on even eye level and creates a psychological advantage.

If someone sits down and starts talking to you about what they want, avoid encouraging body language, such as nods and ahas. Keep your body language as still as possible.

Avoid asking questions that would indicate you're interested (such as, 'When do you need it by?' or 'Does it really have to be done by this afternoon?' etc.)

It's all right to interrupt! A favourite technique of ours is to say something along the lines of, 'I'm really sorry; I'm going to interrupt you.' Then use whatever tool fits the situation. If you let someone have their whole say without interrupting, they could get the impression you're interested and willing. All the while they get no message to the contrary, they will think you're on board with their plan (to get you to do whatever...)

Pre-empt. As soon as you see someone bearing down on you (and your heart sinks because you know they're going to ask for something), let them know you know: 'Hi there! I know what you want. You're going to ask me to finish the Henderson report. Wish I could help you out, but I just can't.'

Pre-empt two. Meetings are a great place to get landed with work you don't want. You can see it coming. So to avoid the inevitable, pre-empt, 'I need to let everyone know right at the top, that I can't fit anything else into my schedule for the next two weeks (or whatever).'

Any of these little tips can help you feel more confident and will support your new behaviour. For that's what this is: If you're someone whom others know they can take advantage (they may not even be doing it on purpose, you're just an easy mark!) you need to indicate by what you do that things have changed.

Here's an Analogy we use in The Nice Factor Book:

Let's say you're a burglar. There's a row of identical houses and you're thinking of having a go at five of them. The first house has a Yale lock on the front door. The second house has a Yale and a Chubb lock on the front door. The third house has a Yale and a Chubb lock on the front door and bars on the window. The fourth house has a Yale and a Chubb lock on the front door, bars on the window and burglar alarm. The fifth house has a Yale and a Chubb lock on the front door, bars on the window, a burglar alarm and a Rottweiler.
Which would you burgle?

When you make it easy for other people, they will naturally keep coming back. By learning more effective ways of saying 'no' you make it harder for others to expect you to do what they want without taking into account what's going on for you. You become more burglar-proof.

Changing Others by Changing Yourself

A lot of us wish that the person we are in conflict with, or feel intimidated by, would change. Then everything would be all right. We've all heard this from a colleague, friend, partner and even said it ourselves: 'If only he'd listen to me, then I wouldn't be so frightened.' 'If only she'd stop complaining about my work, I'd be much happier.'

'If only' puts the onus on the other person to change how and who they are and makes them responsible for how we feel. By using some of the tools outlined above, people can get a sense of being in charge of situations, rather than being victims to what other people want.

It does seem to be part of human nature to blame others when things go wrong in our lives, or when we're feeling hard done by. If you take away the 'if only' excuse you also take away the need to blame and make the other person wrong. It's also rather wonderful to think that rather than waiting for someone else to change to make things all right, we all have the ability to take charge of most situations and make them all right for ourselves.

What also makes it easier is that we all just have to get better at 'the art of saying no'; none of us has to change our whole personalities to create a more satisfying outcome!


The Gentle Art of Saying No

It’s a simple fact that you can never be productive if you take on too many commitments — you simply spread yourself too thin and will not be able to get anything done, at least not well or on time.

But requests for your time are coming in all the time — through phone, email, IM or in person. To stay productive, and minimize stress, you have to learn the Gentle Art of Saying No — an art that many people have problems with.

What’s so hard about saying no? Well, to start with, it can hurt, anger or disappoint the person you’re saying “no” to, and that’s not usually a fun task. Second, if you hope to work with that person in the future, you’ll want to continue to have a good relationship with that person, and saying “no” in the wrong way can jeopardize that.

But it doesn’t have to be difficult or hard on your relationship. Here are the Top 10 tips for learning the Gentle Art of Saying No:

1. Value your time. Know your commitments, and how valuable your precious time is. Then, when someone asks you to dedicate some of your time to a new commitment, you’ll know that you simply cannot do it. And tell them that: “I just can’t right now … my plate is overloaded as it is.”
2. Know your priorities. Even if you do have some extra time (which for many of us is rare), is this new commitment really the way you want to spend that time? For myself, I know that more commitments means less time with my wife and kids, who are more important to me than anything.
3. Practice saying no. Practice makes perfect. Saying “no” as often as you can is a great way to get better at it and more comfortable with saying the word. And sometimes, repeating the word is the only way to get a message through to extremely persistent people. When they keep insisting, just keep saying no. Eventually, they’ll get the message.
4. Don’t apologize. A common way to start out is “I’m sorry but …” as people think that it sounds more polite. While politeness is important, apologizing just makes it sound weaker. You need to be firm, and unapologetic about guarding your time.
5. Stop being nice. Again, it’s important to be polite, but being nice by saying yes all the time only hurts you. When you make it easy for people to grab your time (or money), they will continue to do it. But if you erect a wall, they will look for easier targets. Show them that your time is well guarded by being firm and turning down as many requests (that are not on your top priority list) as possible.
6. Say no to your boss. Sometimes we feel that we have to say yes to our boss — they’re our boss, right? And if we say “no” then we look like we can’t handle the work — at least, that’s the common reasoning. But in fact, it’s the opposite — explain to your boss that by taking on too many commitments, you are weakening your productivity and jeopardizing your existing commitments. If your boss insists that you take on the project, go over your project or task list and ask him/her to re-prioritize, explaining that there’s only so much you can take on at one time.
7. Pre-empting. It’s often much easier to pre-empt requests than to say “no” to them after the request has been made. If you know that requests are likely to be made, perhaps in a meeting, just say to everyone as soon as you come into the meeting, “Look guys, just to let you know, my week is booked full with some urgent projects and I won’t be able to take on any new requests.”
8. Get back to you. Instead of providing an answer then and there, it’s often better to tell the person you’ll give their request some thought and get back to them. This will allow you to give it some consideration, and check your commitments and priorities. Then, if you can’t take on the request, simply tell them: “After giving this some thought, and checking my commitments, I won’t be able to accommodate the request at this time.” At least you gave it some consideration.
9. Maybe later. If this is an option that you’d like to keep open, instead of just shutting the door on the person, it’s often better to just say, “This sounds like an interesting opportunity, but I just don’t have the time at the moment. Perhaps you could check back with me in [give a time frame].” Next time, when they check back with you, you might have some free time on your hands.
10. It’s not you, it’s me. This classic dating rejection can work in other situations. Don’t be insincere about it, though. Often the person or project is a good one, but it’s just not right for you, at least not at this time. Simply say so — you can compliment the idea, the project, the person, the organization … but say that it’s not the right fit, or it’s not what you’re looking for at this time. Only say this if it’s true — people can sense insincerity.


Say YES to Yourself with a Personal "Don't-Do" Policy

by Jack Canfield

Our world is a highly competitive and over stimulating place, and more and more concentration is needed every day just to stay focused on completing your daily tasks and pursuing your long-term goals.

With the explosion of communications technology we are more accessible to more people than ever before. Complete strangers can reach you by telephone, cell phone, pager, fax, regular mail, express mail and e-mail.

They can e-mail and instant message you at home, at work and on your hand held smart-phone. And with the explosion of social media, requests now find their way to us on our Facebook and Linked-In accounts.

It seems everyone wants a piece of you!

Your kids want rides or to borrow the car, your co-workers want your input on projects that are not your responsibility, your boss wants you to work overtime, your sister wants you to take her kids for the weekend, your child’s school wants you to bake four dozen cookies for teacher appreciation day, your mother wants you to come over and fix her screen door, your best friend wants to talk about his impending divorce, a local charity wants you to head up a committee, and your neighbor wants to borrow your van.

Not to mention the endless slews of telemarketers who want you to subscribe to the local newspaper, contribute to the nearby wildlife sanctuary or transfer all of your credit card debt over to their new card. Even your pets are clamoring for more attention!

We suffer from overload at work—taking on more than we can comfortably deliver in an unconscious desire to impress others, get ahead, and keep up with others’ expectations. Meanwhile our top priorities go unaddressed.

How much time do you waste with projects and activities that you really don’t want to do simply because you are uncomfortable saying no?

Success depends on getting good at saying no without feeling guilty. You cannot get ahead with your own goals if you are always saying yes to someone else’s projects. You can only get ahead with your desired lifestyle if you are focused on the things that will produce that lifestyle.

You will have to structure your work and life so that you are focusing your time, effort, energies, and resources only on projects, opportunities, and people that give you a huge return on your efforts. You are going to have to create stronger boundaries about what you will and won't do.

Most of us are busy, but undisciplined. We are active, but not focused. We are moving, but not always in the right direction. By creating a stop-doing list as well as a to-do list, you will bring more discipline and focus into your life

Start by creating a stop-doing list as soon as possible! Then make the things on your list “policies.” People respond to policies. They understand a policy as a boundary. They will respect you more for being clear about what you won’t do.

For example, some of my “don’t do” policies on a personal level are:

* I never lend my car to anyone for any reason.
* I don’t lend money. I am not a bank.
* We don’t schedule outside social events on Friday night. That is our family night.
* I don’t discuss contributions over the phone. Send me something in writing.

On a business level some of my “don’t do” policies are:

* I don’t give endorsements for books of fiction.
* I have a policy of not lending my books to other people. They rarely come back, and they are the source of my livelihood, so I don’t lend them out.)
* I don’t schedule more than five talks in one month.
* I no longer co-author books with first-time authors. Their learning curve is too expensive.
* I don’t do individual counseling or coaching. There is greater leverage in working with a group.
* Except for when I am doing a new book tour, I don’t schedule more than two radio interviews in a day.

It is very easy to say what your policies are, and you don’t even have to use the word no!

People respect policies. And it’s likely that no one will take your policy personally, they’ll realize it’s a boundary you have set for all occasions.

Be brave in saying no, stay focused on your higher goals and let people know that you are committed to those goals. People will respect your clarity and drive.

Remember, just as you are in control of your feelings and attitudes, other people are in control of theirs, so if they do get upset with you for saying no…well that is a choice they make for themselves.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

10 Little Things that Make a Big Difference

By Molly Burke

It's the little things that count, it's true. We, all of us, have myriad opportunities every day to imbue the little things in our lives with enough power to make a big difference. It's easy, and it's fun. In the process, you'll gain goodwill, confidence and karma points. Ready?

Here they are, 10 little, kinda slightly random but ultimately powerful things that make a big difference.

1. Say "Thank you."
Such a small thing, but the effect it has on everything around you is profound. Gratitude is a force so powerful that it transforms the giver, the receiver, and the world at large simultaneously. Heartfelt gratitude, humbly expressed, heals as it praises. Write it on your checks as you pay your bills. Write it under your name on the checks you endorse. Look your food server, checker, toll taker, garbage man, crossing guard right in the eye and say "Thank you for doing this" and watch what happens. This is such a simple way to pay it forward, and it has such long lasting positive repercussions that you would be well served to make it a principle part of your spiritual practices. I'll be writing a whole series of blogs and articles about gratitude very soon, because this one concept can change your life for the better forever, starting right now.

2. Yield the right of way.
Let someone into your lane in front of you on the freeway, or the streets. Suggest that the person with a few items go before you with your full shopping cart. Step aside and let the harried mommy with the stroller and tagalongs through the door that you hold open with smile. Wait patiently while the elderly man tells his stories to the waitress, even if it means your breakfast will take a few minutes longer. Believe me when I tell you that doing all these things will give you a greater sense of community, deeper compassion, and it will serve to significantly calm YOU down when you're feeling stressed and hurried. Kindness expands, and it fills the space with goodwill and cooperation.

3. Give sincere praise.
Everyone I know appreciates being appreciated, though how they prefer it to be expressed varies. But overall, and with very few exceptions, an honest compliment is always welcome. It can create instant rapport, and bridge many an awkward gap. Do NOT, however, use it in lieu of a gratuity when encountering service staff. Layer the compliment atop a generous tip and watch what happens.

4. Be a generous tipper.
This may seem like an extravagance, and I am not condoning subsidizing bad service, but remember that our economic system is not set up to adequately compensate waiters, bartenders, valets and such. In addition, service personnel are assessed taxes on your tip whether or not you actually tip them, so do them a favor and give a bit more. They're working hard at a job you probably wouldn't do, or have done before when you were younger, so give 'em at least 20%. Unless they suck, at which time you should talk to their manager anyway.

5. Listen.
You were given two ears and one mouth, use them in that proportion. Listening makes you appear more charming, too, so there's a bonus.

6. Floss.
Flossing alone can add 6+ years to your "real age". Don't forget to brush first. As a matter of fact, flossing is the one thing you can do that can affect not only your oral health, but the health of your heart, as well. Plaque is plaque, after all, and is not good anywhere. Floss!

7. Send a card.
Snail mail correspondence is a lost art. To make a big impression and touch someone's heart, send a short handwritten note inside a lovely card. The time and expense you incur will pay huge dividends in goodwill.

8. Pick up trash.
Yours, others, random trash. Pick it up, and put it in a trash can or recycling bin. It's the right thing to do, and it expresses pride of place, simple responsibility, and a commitment to improving the overall health of the planet as you act ever so locally. Teach your children to pick it up, theirs as well as the trash of others. Beautify the world.

9. Use your manners.
Good manners are social lubricant. They oil the machine of humanity. Using good manners conveys respect, both for self and for others. Civility in conversation allows everyone the opportunity to express themselves fully and be heard. Meaningful discourse naturally ensues. Good manners are the foundation of polite society, and politeness can be both charming and disarming. Use good manners and social graces to woo your love, court a client, ease your way with authority. You'll go far with good manners.

10. Share.
Whether it's your cookies or your time, share. Every single person reading this has something, some talent, some time, some money, some compassion, and some fun that they could share with others. This is an abundant Universe, with plenty for everyone, if we'd only share. So, share.

So there you have it. 10 little things that make a big difference. One by one, not so huge. Together, they make a glorious way to go through life. But more than that, these 10 little tips are concrete, attainable and immediate ways to shift your energy, your point of view, and the way the world works. Practice them regularly, and be prepared for a dramatic increase in abundance, personal confidence, ease and grace. It's all good.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

7 Disciplines for High Performance

By Brian Tracy

There are seven disciplines you must develop if you want to achieve all that is possible for you. You can learn these disciplines through practice and repetition until they become automatic.

Goal Setting
Every morning, take three to five minutes to write out your top goals in the present tense. Get a spiral notebook for this purpose. By writing out your ten goals at the beginning of each day, you will program them deep into your subconscious mind.

This daily goal writing will activate your mental powers. It will stimulate your mind and make you more alert. Throughout the day, you will see opportunities and possibilities to move more rapidly toward your goals.

Planning and Organizing
Take a few minutes, preferably the night before, to plan out every activity of the coming day. Always work from a list. Always think on paper. This is one of the most powerful and important disciplines of all for high performance.

Priority Setting
The essence of all time management, personal management, and life management is contained in your ability to set the proper priorities on the use of your time. This is essential for high performance.

Concentration on your Highest-Value Activities
Your ability to work single-mindedly on your most important task will contribute as much to your success as any other discipline you can develop.

Exercise and Proper Nutrition
Your health is more important than anything else. By disciplining yourself to exercise regularly and to eat carefully, you will promote the highest possible levels of health and fitness throughout your life.

Learning and Growth
Your mind is like a muscle. If you don't use it, you lose it. Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.

Time for Important People in your Life
Relationships are everything. Be sure that in climbing the ladder of success, you do not find it leaning against the wrong building. Build time for your relationships into every day, no matter how busy you get.

Action Exercise
These seven disciplines will ensure that you perform at the highest level and get the greatest satisfaction and results from everything you do. Study these seven disciplines and then make a plan for how you can incorporate each of them into your daily life.


6 Factors To Consider Before Purchase Your First Car

For those who just graduated and are planning to enter the workforce, a car is an important element. For example in Kuching, most of us drive to work. We cannot rely on the public transport. The local public transport is limited, inconvenient and not punctual.

There are several important factors to consider before you purchase your first car. I listed the factors as below:

1) Ability to pay the monthly repayment (car loan)
I listed this as the most important factor. One must know their budget well before they sign on the hire purchase agreement. Most bank will require a monthly income of at least three times from the monthly hire purchase instalment. To be on the safe side, I think it is a good idea if the monthly installment is 25% of our monthly salary. This will leave more space for our
money to grow.

2) Fuel consumption of the car
Unless someone else pay for your car fuel, you should really consider whether the type of the car that you are going to buy is high fuel consuming or not. I heard a lot of cases where one had to spend the same amount of car monthly installment for their car fuel. Bear in mind, the fuel price is increasing from time to time. It is wise to choose a car which requite less fuel for you to move around. It is environmental friendly too.

3) Yearly insurance of the car
Do check how much you have to pay for the car insurance. And do bear in mind that every year this should be in your budget. As no car is allowed to be on the road without an insurance.

4) Yearly road tax of the car
Imported cars and bigger car will require a higher road tax compare to locally made cars. The road tax also should be in your yearly budget.

5) Functionality of the car
Do you need a sedan car for your family? Or most of the time you travel alone? For family car, you will need a bigger car. And you will only require a small car if you are driving alone most
of the time.

6) Availability of spare parts
This is another factor which is always not in the considerations list of a new car buyers. It is normal for us to expect a brand new car to be able to serve us at least until we finish pay the car loan. But, unfortunately, even for brand new imported cars, someday, some parts will need to be changed and replaced. May be due to accidents or other matter. Try to get information on the car spare parts. You will not wish to know that, later, you will have to wait for months for the spare parts to be send from the original country. Or worse, the spare part is not more in production.

I do hope the above will provide first time car buyers with some information.

Anymore factors which I missed out? Do add in and share with me.


5 Rahsia Kewangan


Saya akan dedahkan 5 sebab mengapa ramai orang yang tidak akan menjadi kaya... dan bagaimana anda tidak menjadi salah salah seorang daripada mereka.
Apabila anda tahu tentang rahsia ini dan buat apa yang mereka telah lakukan, anda akan menjadi seperti mereka. Sebaliknya, jika anda tidak faham dan buat apa yang mereka tidak lakukan, anda tidak akan kaya.
Konsepnya cukup mudah tapi itulah hakikatnya.
Selepas mengetahui 5 sebab ini, hidup saya mula berubah. Dan sekarang giliran anda pula. Berikut adalah 5 sebab mengapa ramai orang susah untuk menjadi kaya dan bagaimana anda tidak menjadi seperti mereka!

Sebab #1 : Menunggu Untuk Bermula

Hampir semua orang tidak mahu menunggu untuk berjaya. Tetapi, pada masa yang sama, mereka sanggup menunggu untuk mula melangkah ke arah kejayaan. Nampakkah anda masalahnya disini?

Lagi lama anda menunggu untuk bermula, lama lagi untuk anda menjana wang, kejayaan dan gaya hidup yang anda mahukan. Ramai orang yang menunggu sehingga semuanya sempurna sebelum mereka bertindak. Oleh sebab itu, mereka tidak akan bergerak dan tidak akan mendapat ganjarannya.

Tiada perlumbaan yang akan dimenangi (atau diakhiri) oleh seseorang yang tidak melepasi garis permulaaan. Jangan menunggu untuk bertindak. Mulakan hari ini dengan melangkah ke arah kejayaan.

Sebab #2 : Ilmu Kewangan Yang Teruk

Kunci kekayaan terletak kepada pemahaman tentang aset dan liabiliti. Perbezaannya saya ringkaskan disini: Aset adalah sesuatu yang masukkan duit ke poket anda. Hutang pula ialah sesuatu yang keluarkan duit dari poket anda.

Aset : Wang masyuk

Liabiliti: Wang keluar

Ramai orang yang berfikir bahawa rumah, kereta dan harta benda adalah aset mereka. Tetapi, yang sebenarnya ialah hampir semuanya menyebabkan anda keluarkan wang dari poket anda. Mereka MAHUKAN wang daripada anda. Mereka tidak BERIKAN anda wang.

Oleh itu, daripada definisi diatas, semuanya itu adalah liabiliti = hutang!
Bila anda mempunyai wang yang banyak MASUK daripada aset yang sebenar daripada wang yang KELUAR untuk membayar liabiliti, anda akan bebas dari segi kewangan. Hanya terdapat satu cara untuk anda lakukannya. Dan ianyamembawa kita kepada...

Sebab #3 : Fokus kepada pendapatan aktif daripada pasif

Salah seorang jutawan yang saya kenali pernah memberi nasihat dengan selamba. Beliau berkata "Jika anda tidak buat duit semasa tidur, anda tidak akan kaya."

Pendapatan aktif adalah gaji yang anda dapat daripada bekerja. Anda bekerja sejam dan mendapat bayaran untuk sejam bekerja dan sampai di situ sahaja.

Pendapatan pasif ialah anda bekerja sekali sahaja tetapi terus mendapat bayaran tanpa putus daripada kerja yang tidak lagi anda lakukan. Dengan membuat pelaburan atau mencipta aset sebenar yang memberikan pendapatan pasif kepada anda adalah tiket untuk anda menuju kekayaan.

Sebab #4 : Tidak faham atau tidak gunakan sistem menjana duit

Sistem buat duit ialah sesuatu aktiviti yang boleh buat duit untuk anda tanpa perlu kerja. Dengan lain perkataan, ianya satu sistem yang buat duit secara automatik.

Aset yang sebenar hanyalah satu sistem atau yang berkait dengannya. Selepas anda mencipta atau gunakan satu sistem buat duit,tiada had berapa banyak duit yang boleh anda perolehi. Dengan menjadi pakar kepada sistem duit akan membawa kekayaan diluar dugaan anda.


Sebab #5 : Tidak cukup sabar dan tiada keazaman
Untuk menamatkan apa juga perlumbaan, anda mesti memecut daripada garisan permulaan dan mengikut terus sehingga ke garisan penamat.
Ramai orang yang mencipta kegagalan mereka samada tidak bermula langsung atau tidak tamatkan, atau kedua-duanya sekali.
Untuk menjana kekayaan, berjaya dan hidup bahagia anda mestilah mempunyai kesabaran dan keazaman untuk tiba ke garisan penamat. Anda bukan sahaja perlu bermula,tetapi mesti tabah mengharungi semuanya.
Bunyinya mungkin sudah jelas, tetapi ianya masih menjadi punca kegagalan sesorang.
Sebab itulah jika anda sanggup menyertai 5 peratus mereka yang mengikut 5 perkara diatas, anda mempunyai peluang yang besar untuk menempa kejayaan dan kemewahan.
Ianya cukup mudah... anda perlu membuat keputusan untuk mengikut perkara di atas dan lihat perubahan pada hidup anda nanti. Tetapi, jika tidak, seperti kebanyakan orang lain anda tetap seperti sekarang, sama seperti dulu. Inilah masanya untuk anda membuat keputusan.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tips On How To Save Petrol

With the hefty fuel price hike, I’m sure the question on everyone’s mind right now is how to improve your petrol consumption and save money on petrol.

Here are a few things I’ve been doing since the last fuel price hike to improve on my petrol consumption and minimize my petrol bill:


Properly inflated tyres can bring you some petrol savings and improve your driving experience. Keeping your tyres inflated is one of the easiest and most important things one can do to improve fuel economy. The Tyre specification is stated clearly on it tyre Itself!


Even if you drive very fast always keep to a certain speed limit. When you go above a certain speed limit, your car starts to face strong wind resistance. This threshold will depend on your car’s aerodynamics, but generally anything over 80 km/h means you are using up extra petrol just to overcome wind resistance.

Driving below the speed limit also saves money indirectly by avoiding traffic summons, and keeping you safe from accidents.

Switch off all power consuming accessories like Radio, air-condition etc. before switching on the ignition so as to minimize battery load during the next start.

Eliminate strong acceleration (sudden acceleration from idle). It wastes fuel. Accelerate slowly when starting from dead stop. Accelerating suddenly, or jack rabbit starts will burn more petrol because you are using a lot of energy to get your car moving.

When sitting at a set of traffic lights or in traffic for an extended length of time, put your car into neutral or park. This can save a significant amount of fuel.

Shutting all your car windows while driving will make your car more aerodynamic. This will improve your car’s fuel efficiency. Driving with them open drastically reduces your fuel efficiency. In highway driving, over 50% of the power produced by the engine is used to overcome aerodynamic drag.

Avoid carrying any unnecessary weight in your car. On the average, every 50kg added load in your car will increase fuel consumption by 2%.


Plan ahead so that you make a single round trip, instead of making many individual trips to do different errands. Traffic jams are terrible for fuel consumption. There’s a lot of starting, stopping, idling and excessive acceleration to prevent others from cutting into your lane. Take alternative routes to avoid traffic jams, or plan your trip to avoid rush hour traffic.

Accelerations and decelerations waste fuel. Braking and abrupt stops can be minimized by not following too closely and slowing down gradually when approaching a red light. It takes up to six times as much fuel to move a car from a dead stop than it does for one moving at just a few km/h.


Service your car regularly to Ensure it is in good condition all the time. A well maintained car will improve your petrol mileage.


You can see that most of the cars queuing up at natural gas pumps are taxis. Now more and more cars joining the queue.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Important! When buying 2nd hand homes

Before you rush into paying your down payment for that nice house, why not spend a little time running through these items first?

1. Find out more about the house.

Talk to the neighbours, surf the net or just ask around for a history into the area and what kind of news made it to the newspaper. That way you’ll be less likely to be surprised by strange things happening to you or the house that may have been caused by previous owners.

2. Check the amenities in the house.

2nd hand houses may come with problems that can range from a stuck toilet, leaking faucet or even a broken window. Make sure to inspect every room in the house and test all the amenities. Make sure there are no water damaged walls and ceilings.

3. Make sure the structure of the house is stable and in good condition.

This includes foundation, walls, floors, ceiling, roof and attic. Watch out for water penetration and structural damage like floor beams that have been cut or altered. Any irregularities like warping, bulging or cracks can be signs of much bigger problems hiding.

If all satisfactory, the next thing that should be of concern is; Financing and legal.

- Try to negotiate for a minimal booking fee… normally 1% to 3% is the norm. Make sure that in the booking receipt, it is stated that the booking fee is refundable in the event that you fail to secure a loan on time.

- The rule of thumb is, you need to pay off the remaining downpayment (normally 10% of selling price) in 14 days and sign off the SPA then. However this is also negotiable.

- If you’re withdrawing your EPF to purchase , remember to bring your signed SPA to apply.

- If you’re applying for a loan, the bank will run a few things to process your application. This includes getting a valuer to ensure the selling price is as per the market, legal processes, etc. (This can easily take 2-6 months) Most of the time, you will have to bear the cost of these processes. However, try to get a ZERO ENTRY loan so that the bank will absorb your:

Processing fee
Property valuation fee
All legal fees pertaining to loan agreement including scale legal fees, stamp duties, caveat, disbursement fees, search,
- Most of the time, you are expected to settle all loan approvals and final agreements in 3 + 1 months where the seller can choose to terminate the contract due to non-payment.

Fees you need to be prepared for as a buyer (May differ from case to case)

1. Lawyer fees for SPA (1% on the first RM100,000.00, 0.5% on the next RM4,900,000.00, 0.25% on the remainder).
2. Stamp duty for property transfer - At the moment any property below RM250,000 is entitled you to 50% exemption on stamp duty. (1% on the first RM100,000.00, 2% on the next RM400,000.00, 3% on the nest RM1,500,000.00 and 4% on the remainder)
3. Cukai Tanah and Cukai Pintu.
4. Restoration/ renovation (if required)
5. Permit for renovation (if required)
6. MRTA - Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (Very important)
7. Utilities deposits

ps: Although not entirely truthful, it is quite common that under an agreement between buyer and the seller/agent, selling price of the property is stated at a slightly higher price so that a higher amount of loan can be applied. That way, you get a bit of extra cash to pay for unexpected expenses. HOWEVER, please do not abuse this. Any extreme hiking up of the price of a property may get you sued for fraud.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Teknik Pelaburan Strategik Cara Jutawan

Teknik ini biasa digunakan oleh jutawan dalam mengandakan wang mereka. Terdapat 3 prinsip simpanan yang biasa mereka gunakan.

Prinsip Pertama:
Lebih cepat anda menyimpan lebih senang
Tahukah anda seorang yang berumur 25 tahun menyimpan sebanyak RM100 sebulan (RM1,200 setahun) akan mengumpul RM349,000 apabila beliau berumur 65 tahun ( faedah sebanyak 8% setahun)? Jika beliau bertangguh selama setahun, “kerugian” sebanyak RM27,800. Jika beliau menunggu selama 5 tahun, jumlahnya kurang sebanyak RM120,000 selepas mencapai tempoh persaraan, dan jika menunggu sehingga 10 tahun jumlah akan berkurangan sebanyak RM200,000! Dengan RM100 sebulan, jumlah yang disimpan selama 10 tahun ialah RM12,000 tetapi kekayaan yang hilang ialah RM200,000.
Ini adalah satu impak daripada faedah kompund iaitu wang yang dilaburkan akan dikenakan faedah setiap tahun. Ia seperti pengembala kambing yang mendapat 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 dan seterusnya apabila kambing-kambingnya beranak dan beranak.
Adalah sesuatu yang rugi jika anda masih menunggu, dan ia seakan tregedi jika anda tidak menyimpan langsung. Mulakan menyimpan hari ini, kerajaan telah menyediakan ASN, ASB, Wawasan 2020 dan sebagainya untuk anda mula menyimpan.

Prinsip Kedua:
Bila anda menyimpan sama penting dengan berapa banyak anda menyimpan
Katakan dua orang yang sama umurnya telah menyimpan RM5,000 setahun selama 15 tahun. Jumlah ialah RM75,000. yang pertama menyimpan dari umur 20 hingga 35, sebelum berkahwin. Orang yang kedua menyimpan jumlah yang sama tetapi selepas anak-anaknya bekerja. Beliau menyimpan sebanyak RM75,000 dari umur 55 hingga 65.
Semasa berumur 65 tahun, orang yang pertama jumlah simpanannya menjadi RM750,000! – 10 kali daripada jumlah yang disimpan. Ia merupakan satu perbezaan yang besar daripada orang yang kedua yang mengumpul hanya RM75,000, walaupun kedua-duanya menyimpan jumlah yang sama. Perbezaannya ialah bukan berapa banyak yang disimpan tetapi bila simpanan itu mula dibuat.

Kesimpulannya ialah kita perlu menyimpan seberapa banyak yang boleh dan seawal yang boleh!

Prinsip Ketiga:

Berapa banyak anda simpan adalah lebih penting daripada berapa banyak pendapatan anda
Nampaknya seperti membingungkan, tetapi anda tidak perlu mempunyai pendapatan besar untuk menjadi kaya. Dinegara maju, ramai orang dengan pendapatan biasa sahaja telah menjadi kaya kerana mereka berjimat dan menyimpan lebih banyak daripada orang lain.
Mereka yang dengan konsisten boleh menyimpan lebih daripada 10 peratus akan menjadi lebih kaya dengan cepat daripada mereka yang tidak menyimpan. Contohnya satu keluarga yang berpendapatan RM30,000 setahun. Katakan mereka berjimat dan berjaya menyimpan 25% daripada pendapatan sebulan dibank, menjadi RM7,500 setahun (RM625 sebulan). Selepas 25 tahun, pendapatan yang dikumpul ialah RM594,000.

Sekarang bandingkan dengan keluarga yang berpendapatan RM50,000 setahun, tetapi mereka suka membazir dan hanya menyimpan sebanyak 5% daripada pendapatan atau RM2,500 setahun (RM208.33 sebulan). Selepas 25 tahun, pendapatan terkumpul dibank ialah hanya RM198,000.
Sekarang anda sudah mengetahui rahsia teknik pelaburan yang biasa digunakan oleh professional dan jutawan.

Bincangkan bersama-sama keluarga anda dan saya harap anda dapat menyimpan secepat mungkin!


New homes vs. Old homes

As much as I’d like to say there is a tried and tested formula to help you decide if a new or old property is more suitable for you, there isn’t.

The decision lies with you depending on your tolerance of certain issues.

Thus, I can only list out a list of pros and cons of a new home vs. an old one for your own evaluation.

Ask yourself this first:

* What kind of neighborhood am I interested in?
* How much am I willing to spend on the house?
* Do I have the time and money to invest in renovation projects and home improvement?
* How long do I plan to live in this house?





Most established neighborhoods are in town’s center

Generally situated in outskirts. May cause extra expense of daily commute

Cost of ownership

Less expensive per square foot. But ownership costs are considered more predictable, considering cost of upgrade and remodeling. Can negotiate.

Price is more expensive and there are most probably hidden costs involved. Most of the time not negotiable. Cost per square foot is high.

Moving in

House is ready for occupancy.

Have to wait for completion.


Neighbourhood is already there before you. Tend to be more diverse in terms of backgrounds as people have moved in and out.

New and most of the time are homogeneous. You will most likely find your clicks in there as the thing that attracted you to staying there is the same thing that attracted them. You create your neighborhood lifestyle.

Living Space and designs

Most older homes have larger land as cost of land is lower during those times.

New properties tend to cost more per square foot, thus reducing size of living space in exchange for affordability


Fixtures, walls, and doors designs are already intact for you to move in to. Customization may mean a whole revamp that may lose the charm that drew you to it in the first place.

Completely up to you to decorate.


Old properties may have lesser security features. Unless previous owner is a security focused person.

A lot of new properties now come gated, installed with alarm systems, automatic gates or simply have stronger doors and systems to prevent burglary.


With more land, there is more freedom for your creativity. However, if the previous owner is an avid gardener, he might have already left his mark.

Chances are, land is limited unless you buy a more expensive property.


If previous owner did not do a good job upkeeping the place, maintenance can be a real problem. Building materials may be harder to replace to match the old ones.

New properties come with at least a 1 year warranty for repair of some problems.

So it really depends on individuals what they are looking for. Some may find living in outskirts has its attraction as it’s less hectic and don’t mind the extra travelling time. Some thinks it’s not a good idea.

I hope the above comparison chart has at least brought to your attention the pros and cons for both types of properties. And will help you in making your decision.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to snap property picture with any camera

By Hasnuddin Abu Samah (

There are very few simple steps to shoot property picture that helps you sell your property faster on the internet. You don’t need a professional camera for that. Any basic point and shoot camera will do the job. You can even use your mobile phone camera if you like. The most important thing here is the technique.

Before you start shooting, don’t forget to set your digital camera to capture the image in its highest quality with the largest size. In other words, the picture file must be as large as possible. With this setting, you can get the best quality picture in terms of sharpness, tone and color.

The best time to shoot the property picture is early in the morning (around 8.00am-9.00am) or late in the evening (around 5.00pm-6.00pm). At these times, the sun is quite low on the horizon, giving you a nice side lighting. The sunlight is also not too harsh as in the afternoon, and there are no ugly shadows during that time. Additionally, the early morning and late evening sunlight will give you a warm and slightly diffused lighting effect. In the art of photography, good lighting means good pictures!

To get the best picture, the sunlight must not come from the back of your subject. This will usually make the subject appear dark in the picture and you will not be able to capture the details of the property. The light should be coming either from the side or from the front of your subject. It’s good if you know the position of the sun according to the property beforehand.

Don’t just stand in front of the property and snap the picture. Move and look around for the best angle. Maybe the property looks better from the side or maybe its look better from a high angle. Take as many shots as possible from various angles. You can decide later which angle is the best for your subject.

A property should look good in a picture, especially if you want to sell it. Take out any unnecessary elements around the property. Make sure there is no rubbish around the property, take out anything that doesn’t look good in the picture and hide anything that is not related to the property. Remember, you want to sell the property and you want your potential buyer to focus on the property. Do not distract their view with anything else.

Compose your picture nicely before you snap the picture. Only include necessary objects in your picture. Crop out anything else that doesn’t relate to your main subject. If there is a nice big tree beside the property, maybe you should include it in the picture. On the other hand, if there is a telephone pole near the property, you should move in closer and exclude the telephone pole from the picture. Think before you snap the picture. Try to capture the picture of the property in its best possible view and condition.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Should You Buy or Should You Rent?

To buy or to rent? That is the question. For most people, owning a house is a dream. A lot of people say that it is more worth it to buy a house, and pay the mortgage monthly because at the end of the day, the house will be yours. But is it really that simple? Many things need to be taken into account before someone can make the decision. So should you buy or rent? Well, ask yourself these questions first before you decide.

1.What kind of credit report do I have?

In Malaysia, banks generally use the Central Credit Reference Information System by Bank Negara. Besides that, there are also two private credit reference agencies which are Credit Tip Off Service (CTOS) and Financial Information System (FIS).

These will track an individual’s spending habits, repayment patterns, credit card and other electronic transactions, and credit standing with other banks for the last 10 to 20 years.

So when an individual applies for a loan, banks will check his/her credit rating before deciding to approve or reject it. It may sound scary that everything you do is literally being tracked but it’s necessary for banks to do this to avoid giving money to people who are not genuine.

It’s all about how you manage your money. If you do it well, odds are you’re probably ready to own a house. However, if you spend your life tied up in debts, then maybe you should consider renting for a little while more until you get yourself stabilised.

2.How High is My Debt Ratio?

By adding up the total amount of your monthly payments and comparing the total to your monthly income as a percentage, you get your possible debt ratio. The higher your debt ratio is, the more difficult it will be for you to pay off your loan.

So, if, after calculation, you have a low debt ratio, then go for it! But if your debt ratio is high, we wouldn’t recommend buying a house just yet. Renting is the choice for you, at least, until you manage to lower the ratio.

3. Do I Have a Stable Job?

Before buying a house, you should make sure that your job is stable. If you’re still unsure of your future in the company that you work in, it is best to stick to renting. You don’t want to be stuck with mortgage payments in the event that you get laid off or decide to look for a new job.

4. Am I Psychologically and Financially Ready to Deal with Maintenance Issues?

When you rent a place, the maintenance of the house is taken care of by your landlord. With just a phone call, that pipe leak is likely to be fixed within the week itself. When you own a house, however, this luxury is not there. Leaky roof? Malfunctioning lights? The cost to fix all of these would have to come out of your own pocket. Therefore, when you buy a house, you need to make sure that you have some cash stashed aside for emergency maintenance purposes.

If the down payment itself takes away all of your cash so that you have none left for these, maybe you should rent for a little while more until you’re really sure you’ll be able to afford any emergencies. These are things you have to be psychologically and financially prepared for if you intend to buy a house.

5.How Long Do I Plan to Stay?

Ideally, you should plan to stay at a house you want to buy for at least 3 years, if you want to get back what you spent. It has been said that generally, it takes about three to six years for a house to appreciate enough to make up for the cost of selling and moving as well as the amount you’ve paid in down payment and mortgages. Therefore, if you don’t have plans to move anytime soon, then buying a house is a good choice. However, if you are still uncertain about where you will be in the future, renting is the better option.

6. Is it Cheaper to Rent or to Buy?

Some people say that when you rent, you’ll forever be poor. That may be true because at the end of the day, no matter how long you stay at a rented house, it will never be yours. However, sometimes it’s good to look at the simplest of arguments: which one costs more?

Depending on your salary and the stability of your job, a costly mortgage payment may take a toll on your overall expenses. So sometimes, it’s better to save up that extra cash until you’re sure of your financial stability. However, if, after calculating everything you’d have to pay a month, it’s more beneficial to buy, then by all means, go for it!

By the way, we found a very handy tool for calculating your best option. Just enter the required information into the fields provided and let the calculator tell you which is the better option for you.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Apa itu Initial Public Offering?

Khairy memulakan perniagaan gula-gula getah sebagai peniaga kecil. Modalnya hanyalah RM 500. Dia mengambil sejumlah gula-gula getah dari pembekal dan menghantarnya ke kedai-kedai runcit, kantin sekolah dan kantin pejabat. Itulah pekerjaan Khairy saban hari.

Rezeki Khairy bertambah baik. Perniagaan gula-gula getahnya semakin maju. Dia kini ingin membuat jenama gula-gula getahnya sendiri, The New Emperor’s Bubble Gum. Namun hasratnya agak terbantut kerana dia tidak mempunyai modal yang mencukupi untuk membesarkan perniagaannya. Lalu dia menyiapkan proposal perniagaannya dan cuba mendapatkan pembiayaan perniagaan.

Nasib Khairy agak malang. Semua bank menolak permohonannya. Walaupun mukanya Melayu. Kulit hitam manis. Hidung penyek. Tetapi dia tak dapat rasa sedikit pun hak untuk orang Melayu yang kununnya disediakan untuk membantu usahawan Bumiputera. Sehinggalah pada satu hari dia menyatakan hasratnya kepada bapa mertuanya, Dolah. Setelah perbincangan demi perbincangan, akhirnya bapa mertua Khairy bersetuju untuk membiayai perniagaannya sebagai pelabur persendirian.

Lega hati Khairy. Lantas dia pun menubuhkan syarikat sendirian berhad untuk mengembangkan perniagaan barunya, The New Emperor’s Bubble Gum. Rezekinya murah. Tidak dilanda tsunami. Permintaan semakin meningkat. Hypermarket tidak henti-henti meminta Khairy menghantar pelbagai jenis gula-gula getah ke tempat-tempat mereka.

Kini Khairy terfikir, sudah sampai masanya untuk berdiri setanding dengan Wrigley’s Peppermint Gum. Sekali lagi pembiayaan modal menjadi masalah. Tetapi kali ini Khairy sudah semakin bijak. Dia melantik pelbagai golongan professional untuk menguruskan proses pembiayaan seperti akauntan, peguam dan bank pelaburan. Syarikat The New Emperor’s Bubble Gum dinasihatkan untuk mendapatkan modal dari orang ramai untuk merealisasikan hasratnya.

Lalu proses penyenaraian awam ke Bursa Malaysia pun dilakukan. Khairy dan Dolah perlu menjual sebahagian pemilikan saham mereka untuk membolehkan orang ramai membeli saham-saham syarikat tersebut seterusnya membolehkan syarikat Khairy mendapat modal yang diperlukan.

Dalam proses ini, prospektus perlu diterbitkan. Orang ramai perlu tahu segala maklumat tentang syarikat tersebut. Maka mereka yang berminat untuk membeli initial public offering (IPO) ini akan membaca segala-galanya tentang syarikat berkenaan.

Setelah segalanya diluluskan mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan, maka IPO The New Emperor’s Bubble Gum dilancarkan. Sebanyak 10,000,000 unit saham telah berjaya dijual dengan nilai RM 1 seunit. Jumlah kekayaan Khairy dan pelabur awalnya, Dolah telah melonjak berganda-ganda.

Khairy berjaya mencapai matlamat seterusnya dalam perniagaan, dan orang awam pun dapat menikmati kekayaan tersebut bersama melalui capital gain dan dividen yang ditawarkan. Everyone is happy. Smile all over the places.

Seperti yang banyak berlaku kepada syarikat lain, terdapat sebahagian pelabur yang sukakan keuntungan hit & run. Pada hari saham itu diurusniagakan sahaja, harga telah melonjak sebanyak RM 1.50 dan ramai telah menjual saham syarikat tersebut. Sebulan selepas diniagakan, harga saham syarikat The New Emperor’s Bubble Gum (TNEBG) telah jatuh menjadi RM 0.80.

Walaupun begitu, syarikat ini tetap tidak terjejas perniagaannya. Jualan gula-gula getah terus mendapat sambutan sehingga ke seluruh Asia Pasifik. Tidak ada tanda-tanda syarikat itu menghadapi masalah walaupun dalam masa sebulan sahaja, harga sahamnya telah jatuh ke paras terendah RM 0.80 dari harga tertingginya RM 2.27 minggu lepas.

Melihatkan hal ini maka bertanyalah seorang anak yang baru lulus universiti kepada ayahnya, seorang pelabur veteran di Bursa Malaysia:

Anak: Ayahanda, saya lihat syarikat TNEBG telah jatuh harga. Adakah ini bermaksud syarikat itu bermasalah?

Ayah: Anakada, tidak. Fundamental syarikat itu masih kukuh. Apa yang berlaku adalah hanyalah spekulasi dan short term trader yang mengambil keuntungan singkat.

Anak: Maksudnya, perniagaan TNEBG masih baik?

Ayah: Betul anakanda. Sesebuah syarikat akan mendapat manfaat langsung dari penjualan sahamnya adalah pada hari pelancaran penyenaraian awamnya (IPO) sahaja anakanda. Selepas itu, harga saham itu hanyalah sebahagian daripada petunjuk kesihatan syarikat tersebut.

Anak: Saya kurang mengerti ayahanda.

Ayah: Konsepnya sama sahaja seperti anakanda yang baru sahaja membeli Saga BLM minggu lalu. Proton hanya mendapat duit dari anakanda sekali sahaja, iaitu semasa andakanda membelinya secara 1st hand. Selepas itu kalau anakanda menjualnya kepada orang lain, 2nd hand, maka syarikat Proton tidak akan memperoleh satu sen keuntungan pun. Ada beribu-ribu kereta Saga BLM. Jual beli kereta 2nd hand Saga BLM tidak akan memberi manfaat pun kepada Proton.

Anak: Maksudnya, TNEBG hanya dapat keuntungan dari IPO waktu saya membelinya tempoh hari, dan selepas saya menjualnya, saya lah yang akan mendapat keuntungan dari penjualan tersebut bukan? Dan unit-unit saham tersebut akan terus diniagakan dari masa ke masa di bursa macam pasaran kereta 2nd hand jugalah?

Ayah: Pandai anakanda Amirul.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Financial Intelligence

`It`s not how much money you make,but how much money you keep,how hard it works for you,and how many generations you keep it for`-Rich Dad.


About This Blog

Was established since 20th Rejab 1430.
Just to educate myself.
`Sharing is Caring-The more you give,the more you get``

`Berhati-hatilah kamu dalam berhutang, sesungguhnya hutang itu mendatangkan kerisauan di malam hari dan menyebabkan kehinaan di siang hari.`-Riwayat al-Baihaqi

`We are often afraid to do things until we are sure we will do them well.Therefore we don`t do anything...`




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