Sunday, June 12, 2011

KPF dijangka agih dividen 2010 sebanyak 14 peratus

KOPERASI Permodalan Felda Malaysia Bhd (KPF), dijangka mengagih dividen untuk 2010 melebihi jumlah dividen sebanyak 14 peratus pada tahun sebelumnya.

Pengerusinya Datuk Dzukifli Abd Wahab, berkata unjuran itu selaras dengan misi KPF untuk memaksimumkan pulangan pelaburan ahli dan meningkatkan nilai pelaburan dalam syarikat FELDA.
“KPF menyasarkan jumlah agihan dividen antara 12 peratus dan 16 peratus setiap tahun,” katanya selepas pertemuan dengan Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia di Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.
Beliau berkata, dalam tempoh 10 tahun, KPF berupaya mengekalkan sasaran itu dengan jumlah agihan tertinggi dicatatkan pada 2007, iaitu 16.5 peratus.

Bagi 2010, jumlah keuntungan bersih KPF mencatatkan sedikit penurunan kepada RM256 juta berbanding RM328.72 juta pada tahun sebelumnya.

Ditubuhkan pada Julai 1981, KPF berperanan sebagai pusat simpanan dan pelaburan anggota FELDA dan memberi peluang secara adil kepada warga FELDA untuk turut serta memiliki ekuiti dalam syarikat kumpulan itu.

Objektif penubuhan koperasi ini adalah untuk menggiat dan menggalakkan penyimpanan wang oleh anggota FELDA serta menyediakan kemudahan simpanan dan aktiviti pelaburan yang diuruskan secara profesional.
KPF mencatatkan jumlah pelaburan sebanyak RM2.26 bilion sepanjang 2010, peningkatan sebanyak 12.94 peratus berbanding tempoh yang sama pada 2009 iaitu RM2 bilion.

Dzukifli berkata, pertumbuhan itu disebabkan oleh peningkatan aktiviti pembiayaan sebanyak 177.04 peratus dan penambahan simpanan dalam Amanah Raya Bhd sebanyak 138.75 peratus berbanding tahun sebelumnya.

“Pelaburan terbesar adalah di dalam segmen sekuriti pasaran (RM526.42 juta) dan deposit dan simpanan (RM437.94 juta),” kata beliau.

Dzulkifli berkata, KPF kini mengintai peluang pelaburan di rantau Asia dan mengadakan lawatan ke Myanmar baru-baru ini bagi tujuan itu.

“Bagaimanapun, keutamaan KPF masih kepada pelaburan dalam negara,” katanya.

Jumlah pelaburan hartanah KPF pada akhir 2010 sebanyak RM240.08 juta, pertumbuhan sebanyak 1.92 peratus berbanding RM235.55 juta yang dicatakan pada tahun sebelumnya.

“Penjualan ruang pejabat dan perniagaan di Solaris Dutamas, Blok D5, di Jalan Duta sudah mencatatkan keuntungan sebanyak RM4.54 juta dan sehingga akhir tahun lepas, hanya lima unit yang masih belum terjual,” kata Dzukifli.

Antara pelaburan hartanah terbaru yang diteroka KPF ialah pajakan bangunan Hotel Dar Um Hane di Mekah, Arab Saudi.

Dzukifli berkata, melalui pajakan ini, sebahagian daripada hotel yang mula beroperasi pada Februari 2011 itu akan disewakan kepada Felda Travel, manakala sebahagian lagi kepada agensi-agensi Umrah dan haji yang lain. – BERNAMA


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Do This For 10 (Easy) Minutes And Improve Your Entire Day

Our bodies weren’t designed for our modern lifestyle.

We were never meant to sit behind desks for half our waking hours, nor were we intended to spend more time in a car than on our feet.

Most of us don’t get enough fresh air, sunshine and exercise and it’s having a profound impact on our confidence, energy levels and health.

Worse, it’s a self perpetuating problem. The less you move, the less energy you have to get going. Even if you know from experience that a bit of exercise will make you feel immeasurably better, you probably have a difficult time managing that first step.

If you can find a way to incorporate as little as 10 minutes of active movement into your morning routine, you’ll find your days will run smoother and be less stressful. Plus, you’ll have more energy and a more positive mood.

Keep in mind, this can be as simple as taking a 10 minute walk or doing a short yoga or stretching routine. Just getting up and moving for 10 minutes can:

● Increase blood flow throughout your body, including to your brain.

● Release your body from any aches and pains you might have incurred during the night while sleeping.

● Reduce stress levels.

● Increase energy levels.

● Rev up your metabolism

If possible, it’s best to get this exercise. But even if you can’t, you’ll still reap the benefits. Here are some easy ideas for getting more movement into your morning routine. There is bound to be one that you’ll enjoy and can work into your day:

● Walk or bike to work.

● Take your dog for a short walk

● Walk or bike with your children to school.

● Take a short jog around the neighborhood.

● Turn on some music and dance!

● Yoga

● Other stretching exercises

● Jumping jacks

● Sit ups and push ups

● Some moderately heavy housework such as mopping and sweeping.

● A quick swim

● Pulling weeds

● Shoveling snow

● Going up and down the stairs

The idea isn’t to get a full body workout (although that’s certainly an option if you have the time!), it’s to start your day off right by getting your blood flowing and loosening up your muscles and joints.

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts when building a bridge between your old broken habits and your new ones; you’ll have to make it a point to do it every day until it becomes a normal part of your routine. You can help things along by:

● Choosing activities you genuinely enjoy. If you hate running, it will be far more difficult to stick with it than if you picked something you enjoy more, such as simple calisthenics.

● Try enlisting your spouse, roommates, children or friends to do it alongside you. It’s harder to cheat (or skip) when you know your walking buddy or yoga partner is waiting for you.

● Keep things as simple as possible. Your gym might have a wonderful pool, but if it’s inconvenient for you to use first thing in the morning, you’ll have difficulty developing a habit.

● Focus on how much better you feel. Keep a journal and note the many improvements in your life. Don’t feel as though only the big victories are worth noting. Even something as simple as having less stress and hostility while driving will make your life better in the long run.

Just 10 minutes of movement every morning is enough to help you gain energy, increase confidence, be more positive, manage stress and feel better physically. Once you get into the habit of incorporating movement into your morning routine, you’ll find the positive effects snowball and it will be easier to make good choices about eating, exercising and taking care of yourself in general.

Don’t put off getting started, this is something you can do tomorrow and start reaping the rewards right away.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tip Bisnis-Puan Ainon

Berniaga adalah berkawan. (Business is friends.) Semakin banyak kawan, semakin mudah kita berniaga. Semakin besar bisnes kita, semakin banyak kawan kita. Apabila berbual-bual dengan sesiapa sahaja,bercerita tentang hal yang baik-baik sahaja, khususnya berita2 baik. Berita baik menyebabkan orang mempunyai persepsi positif tentang karekter kita.Dengan itu mereka suka mahu berjumpa kita lagi-Pn Ainon Mohd.

Tip bisnes: Jangan cuba menjual kepada kaum keluarga ataupun sahabat sendiri. Ia adalah kesilapan bisnes yang serius kerana sebenarnya dengan melakukan itu kita telah menyalahgunakan hubungan baik yang ada. Tidak ada orang yang suka berasa dirinya terpaksa membeli barang yang dia tidak mahu beli. Lain kali mereka takut mahu berjumpa kita lagi.-Puan Ainon Mohd.

AinMaisarah Novelis :Yang tidak baik itu kita boleh bawa masuk mesyuarat. Dalam mesyuarat kita tidak mahu dengar yang baik-baik sahaja, kita mahu tahu bahagian mana yang perlu dibaiki, kita mahu selesaikan masalah. Puan, ini saya kongsikan apa yang saya dengar dari Tuan Pengurus AinMaisarah.

Tn Aizuddinur Zakaria bertanya: "Apakah perkara utama yang ada pada peniaga Cina dan tidak ada pada peniaga Melayu?" -- Yang tidak ada, adalah discourse bisnes dalam perbualan keluarga middle-class Melayu. Disebabkan middle-class Cina adalah golongan kelas peniaga dan usahawan, perbualan keluarga Cina adalah skrip bisnes. Disebabkan cerdik pandai Melayu hidup makan gaji, perbualan keluarga middle-class Melayu berputar-putar pada skrip kehidupan makan gaji.-Pn Ainon Mohd.

Tip bisnes: Orang Cina mempunyai daya beli yang tinggi kerana ekonomi mereka lebih tinggi. Peniaga Cina sudah lama menjadi pakar menjual kpd pembeli Melayu. Demi mengembangkan bisnes kita, peniaga2 Melayu perlu belajar dengan lebih serius bagaimana mahu menjual kepada pembeli Cina. Foto menunjukkan penulis PTS, Pn. Fatimah Rodhiah, mempromosi karya beliau kepada kanak2 Cina di pesta ReadMalaysia-Pn Ainon Mohd.

Tip kejayaan bisnes: Ilmu bisnes yang paling penting adalah ilmu bagaimana menjadikan duit kita beranak-pihak, yakni mengganda-lipatkan duit yang sedikit sehingga semakin hari semakin banyak. Dari RM1, menjadi RM2, menjadi RM20. Dari RM1k menjadi RM2k. Kalau kita tidak mempunyai ilmu ini, akibatnya duit modal yang ada akan semakin susut dan akhirnya bisnes kita hidup segan mati tak mahu. Ilmu melipatgandakan duit hanya dapat dipelajari dari orang2 bisnes yang sudah melakukannya.-Pn Ainon Mohd.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

8 Ways To Stop Feeling Indifferent

Have you ever fallen to sleep at night wondering if you’ve made any difference to the world around you?
Have you ever risen in the morning wondering if you even matter at all?
The key to living a happy, healthy, productive life full of vigor and confidence is feeling purpose, passion and genuine joy for the way you spend your days. Without purpose, passion is merely a silent suggestion.
Yet when you know your actions truly make a difference, joy and productivity follow as naturally as sunset after sunrise.

Use any of these 8 ideas to evaporate your indifference once and for all.

1) Travel. Few things can fuel your inner fire like discovering fresh people, adventure, and experience. The sights, scents and sounds of a new spot on the map can help you see your old world with fresh eyes. Whether you’re heading to a new spot within your old city limits or swapping hemispheres for six months of backpacking, feeling lost can be one of the best ways to find yourself again.

2) Teach. By passing your knowledge to another, you will not only illuminate the possibilities for another’s life, you will crystalize some of the skills that make you unique. Teaching another will help you to nurture a deeper sense of self and a more powerful sense of purpose overall. Explain, demonstrate, inspire. Be the teacher you always wished you had and you will move closer to the person you have always wanted to be.

3) Create. Make something beautiful where there was nothing before and you might feel a purity of passion you never expected. Whatever your art – painting, poetry or even polka, producing tangible evidence of your individuality will help you discover your true self.

4) Connect. An internal sense of belonging is a core human need that must be nurtured and should never be ignored. Because everyone shares this essential need, you can have complete confidence that the people in your life are looking to connect. No one wants to feel isolated or lonely – the key lies in discovering your common intersections and celebrating your collective interests.

5) Help. It is easier to tap into your purpose when you are genuinely helping others in need. This isn’t hard, and you don’t have to wait to get started. Improving the world an inch or two at a time is as easy as stepping outside yourself and getting started today. Keep your eyes open for anyone with less than you, or anyone who might benefit from your benevolence.

6) Ask. Who knows you better than your closest friends; the people who have seen you during both your highs and lows, and listened to your same stories over and over again? Don’t take their word as gospel, but do ask what they think your special power or true purpose might be. Chances are, you’ll be surprised by what they say.

7) Read. Perhaps you can’t go continent hopping, but you can conquer space and time by turning the pages of any good book. Literature opens your ears to the language of life and opens your heart to your inner whispers. Make time to read, then reflect on what you read, and you may find yourself with a deeper connection to the life you truly want to live.

8) Write. If you really want to know what makes you tick, start writing. I’ve been a professional ghostwriter for a couple of years, and I still marvel each day at the many things I didn’t know I thought. Writing forces you to organize your ideas and bring your emotions to the surface. Spend a day with nothing but a fresh notebook and plenty of ink – you might just stumble onto a powerful passion you didn’t know you had.
If your life has little purpose, then you are only living a little life. Find what drives you, then step on the gas and speed toward the life you’ve always wanted.


6 Reasons You Need To Be Touched

Do you ever feel like you’re living in a bubble, surrounded by people but never touched?
We live in such a busy, crowded world, yet it’s so easy for many of us to go days, even weeks or months without touching or being touched by others.
While you might not notice the effects of not being touched right away, it can negatively affect your mood, your confidence and your health. We are only beginning to understand the holistic way our bodies work and the relationship between our emotional well being and our physical health.

Here are 6 reasons why you need to be touched on a regular basis.

1. Feel connected to others. We are social beings, and although we all fall in different places on the introversion – extroversion scale, we all need to have that sense of connection to other members of our tribe. While some of that connection can come from having conversations with others, touch also plays an important role in human communication.

2. Reduce anxiety. Simply touching another person can make us feel more secure and less anxious. It can make us feel grounded and safe and not so all alone. It’s not just children who could use a warm, reassuring hug to make things a little better, so if you’re feeling like a bundle of nerves, go ahead and ask for a hug.

3. Bonding. Touch is one of the ways romantic partners bond with each other and parents bond with their children. When partners and families get busy and let touch go out the window, they’ll often find that they don’t feel as close and relationships suffer. Regular touch is one of the ways that we continually renew our bonds with those we love.

4. Lowers your blood pressure. Studies have shown that those that get regular touch often have lower blood pressure than those that don’t. Even having a pet can have beneficial effects! Touch can also slow the heart rate and help speed recovery times from illness and surgery.

5. Improve your outlook. It’s harder to get into a pessimistic funk when you feel the confidence of being connected to others. Touch can make people feel more optimistic and positive and less cynical and suspicious. A positive, trusting attitude towards others can reduce tension in our daily lives and improve our relationships.

6. Give us the sensory input that we crave. Scientists are just discovering how truly important it is to exercise all our physical senses for proper brain and emotional development. All the various kinds of touch from butterfly kisses to deep tissue massage send our brains the physical inputs it needs to make sense of the world. So, along with touching other people and pets, make time to explore different textures and touch sensations such as letting cool sand run through your fingers or taking a warm relaxing bath.
Don’t let yourself get too busy that you starve yourself of touch. It’s important for your physical, mental and emotional well being to touch others and let others touch you.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Power of Words

There is no doubt that words move us. They take our mind on a journey, weaving a web of imagery and emotion which is totally unique to each of us. Why is it unique? Because the meanings and emotions we have learnt to associate with particular words and phrases is also unique for each of us (to the most part anyway). Yet what is language and words? They are just sounds and syllabels which we have given meaning to. For example if you don’t speak Chinese the Chinese script doesent mean anything to you. Yet if you do speak Chinese it will mean something to you. So in and of itself words do not have any meaning except the meaning we choose to give it or have unconsciously learnt.

Some would also say however that words and languages have an energy and that sometimes we resonate with that energy, for better or worse. One of the oldest languages is Sanskrit. This is used a lot for mantras in meditation and chanting because it is said that the sound energy of certain words when resonated with help connect us with a higher vibration, one where we are connected to a universal consciousness, that is usually referred to as “God”.

Personally I think we’re connected at some level all the time as we’re all part of a great ocean of divinity, a collective consciousness. However a lot of the time we live our lives in the ups and downs of our individual “minds” , which is a great servant but not such a good master. It’s when we go beyond the mind and become the observer of it so to speak, that we realise just how much it has been our master – we’re afraid of so many things – especially that there isent “enough” – everything is perceived to be in short supply so we go filling our caves with as much “stuff” as we can in case it ever runs out! Yet when we go beyond our mind we align ourselves with our Spirit which by nature is abundant, infinite, loving, peaceful, blissful, creative, immortal (at least I hope it is!!!) and so on.

To experience more of these beautiful qualities all we need to do is make a habit of being still every day. It’s really great to start your day by being still even if only for a few minutes.

This morning I didnt have as much time as usual and there was a part of me that was resisting being still, so I tricked my mind and said “well I’ll just sit for 3 minutes then, I definetly have 3 minutes I can use“. And so I did. Of course invariably you sit for longer as it feels so wonderful once you surrender, let go and enjoy.

Now how has it affected my day? Well here I am writing about it and I still continue to “feel” the peacefulness of those few moments spent being still.

Find some words that resonate beautifully with you, words like love, peace, prosperity, bliss, kindness, calm, abundance, spirit, “om”, “namaste”, “om namah shivaya” or whatever. Sit for a few minutes, at least three and keep saying that word to yourself. Let it take you beyond the mind. Let it take you to a place where you are experiencing the meaning of the word … Peace …. Peace … Peace …

Allow it to fill your body with peace and allow it to go beyond your body until you realise your true nature which is loving, beautiful and peaceful. It will also remind you that you have unique and wonderful talents and gifts which will help you on your life’s purpose(s). Appreciate the magnificence that you are.

Have an amazing day!



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Was established since 20th Rejab 1430.
Just to educate myself.
`Sharing is Caring-The more you give,the more you get``

`Berhati-hatilah kamu dalam berhutang, sesungguhnya hutang itu mendatangkan kerisauan di malam hari dan menyebabkan kehinaan di siang hari.`-Riwayat al-Baihaqi

`We are often afraid to do things until we are sure we will do them well.Therefore we don`t do anything...`



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